Wednesday 25 April 2012

ANZAC Biscuits

Today is ANZAC day.  For those of you who are not from Australia or New Zealand ANZAC (Australian New Zealand Army Corpes) Day is a national day of remembrance, originally in honor of soldiers who fought in WW1 but now honors all soldiers who fought and died in our name.  Dawn services are held in Cities and towns throughout Australia and New Zealand.  As a child I attended such services and I remember reading the names of my own relatives who had fought and died in wars long ago, in places that seemed so very far away!

In school we observed a minutes silence and listened to our teacher read aloud a verse from the war poem "for the fallen".  Reading it today, now a parent, I became quite emotional!

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
(Laurence Binyon)

Another time honoured tradition on ANZAC day is the obligatory baking of the ANZAC biscuit!  I was reminded of this when flicking through my friend Nat's "Kitchen Needs" Pinterest... yum I thought... Miss May and I will have a go!

Recipe HERE (courteously of the ever-green publication 'Women's Day')

It was a really quick and easy recipe and Miss May, Nanna and I had a great time but we also wondered how they came to be known as ANZAC biscuits... Extensive internet research revealed that the recipe was developed by the women folk back home who wanted to send home-baked goods to their boys fighting in distant lands.  The recipe uses no eggs or milk or perishables so it shipped and stayed fresh all the way to the front line!  How excited must those soldiers have been when mum's home cooking arrived!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Kate, how great are Anzac Biscuits.

    Really lovely post x
