Friday 13 April 2012

The key to life is imagination!

1 hr of power; quick, easy, clean stuff to do when it's too hot/cold/rainy to play outdoors!


Today, while we waited for the sun to soften we filled some time with a little activity I like to call "box of straws with a couple of random feathers and other stuff"... ok so I need to work on the title!

Straws are a great way for little ones to hone their fine motor skills.  We keep a box of colourful straws at the ready so when the mood takes us, we are prepared!

When we first did this activity 6 months ago and used straws and plastic containers with holes cut out.  Miss May would grab a handfull of straws and stuff the holes as best she could.  

She is now 21 months and tackles the activity much differently... the level of concentration she applied while sticking the fine ends of feathers into the ends of straws was really remarkable.    

With older kids the possibilities are endless...

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