Thursday 3 May 2012

Buddha's Birthday - Vesak Day!!

In Singapore diversity is celebrated!  Within the permanent population, ethnic Chinese account for some 74%, Malay 13% and Indian just under 10%.  Each ethnic group have traditions and days of cultural significance so it follows that the nations public holiday's are set accordingly.  Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya to name the big three!  As guests in Singapore we have enjoyed the opportunity to join ALL the celebrations!

This weekend the Buddhist community in Singapore and throughout Asia are celebrating Vesak Day.  Vesak Day talks to the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Gautama Buddha  on who's teachings Buddhism is founded.  I guess for children is it a little easier to talk about birthdays than achieving 'Nirvana' so we are happily referring to it as 'Buddha's birthday' in our household!

We are planning a trip to the Buddha Tooth Relic and Museum in Chinatown where I understand we will get some insight into the more traditional aspects of this auspicious day... but for the time being we thought a birthday cake was in order!

In the case you are a baker and interested in my choice of recipe.. it is a layered coconut cake from the Flour Bakery & Cafe cookbook... and it is easy and yummy Lah!!!
Thanks for your help Miss May...

NB.  Apologies for my enso (the sacred symbol of Zen Buddhism) - I know Zen Buddism is generally not practised in Singapore, or South East Asia for that matter!  It was a last minute inclusion with the help of shredded coconut and a little bit of yellow food colouring! Pow!!!

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