Saturday 5 May 2012

Lets go fly a kite... Marina Barrage

If you are looking for a late afternoon activity this weekend you might consider a visit to the Marina Barrage!

The Marina Barrage is built across the mouth of the Marina where it basically functions as a levy... keeping freshwater in and salt water out.  The structure of the building is quite unique... kind of a spiralling lawn roof which flattens at the top and provides for excellent kite flying conditions and exceptional views back across the Marina.

Getting there... by car you need to take Exit 17a off the ECP heading toward vivo city and then follow the signs.  If you are coming from a different direction please reference the website here.
If you are looking to take public transport there is a regular shuttle.  You need to get the MRT to Marina Bay Station... Take exit A and walk (about 2 minutes) to the shuttle bus pick-up point (I understand this is marked).  Please check here for shuttle schedule.

Start with the Sustainability Gallery on level 2.  Miss May really enjoyed this although clearly had no idea what it was all about.  The brochure described it as a "sensory extravaganza" which is actually pretty accurate!  The lights and sounds are very intriguing for little ones and for the bigger ones (namely my fact-loving husband) there is lots of information to take in.  BUT... when Miss May said "DONE, DONE, DONE" Daddy tore himself away from the 3D display of a water pump (!!) and we moved on.

I suggest you then take the stairs or the escalator to the top floor.  You will be greeted with a very wholesome scene indeed.  Loads of people, primarily youth, taking in the views and enjoying their weekend AND WOW so many kites.  If you do not have a kite of your own they are available for purchase in the downstairs gift shop, or simply cop a spot on the lawn and take advantage of everyone else's hard work!  

When you're ready, walk the parameter of the lawn and then down via the spiral lawn, to the water park on the ground level!  Although a bit tired and a concrete jungle, the water park is good value and a great way to cool off.

When it's time for chow... you'll find a steamboat restaurant on the ground floor and a gallery cafe on the 2nd floor!  I can't personally recommend either of these establishments as I have never eaten there but I can say they seem to have great views of the ocean side of the barrage and therefore lots of ships and boats to keep little ones amused.

We are creatures of habit and tend to jump the car back to the Marina Bay Sands for a nibble at Southcoast where Miss May can muck around on her scooter while we have a sneaky wine!

Our day at The Marina Barrage was nice but here are a few things to be aware of before you go...

  • Is Singapore: is HOT!  We went on an overcast afternoon, so it was fine but beware of sunny days as there is absolutely NO shade on the roof!  That said the water play area offered parcial shade which is great!  
  • Have a bit of an idea where you are going... it is a little confusing due to all the construction taking place in the area at present.
  • Beware of kids in electric wheelchairs!  I kid you not those electric scooters, reserved for the elderly in other parts of the world, are available for rent!  Kids were zooming around the ground floor having a great time but lets face it... they are kids... they dont have licenses and anyway they should be walking.... or is it just me that thinks this way?
Oh well, each to their own... HAVE FUN!

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