Friday 1 June 2012

Art Garden 2012 at the Singapore Arts Museum

For all the Singapore peeps!

We visited the Art Garden 2012 at 8Q at the Singapore Art Museum with Miss May this morning and had a ball.    The exhibition will continue through to 12th August.

On each of the 4 levels you will find interesting and interactive displays and activities for little kids based around the central theme of "garden".  It is easy to visit every single exhibit in just an hour or so but make sure you don't miss the intermittent screenings of short animations by Singapore's home grown, new generation of Animators.  The one we saw was just beautiful and I wish I had had time to jot down the name of the film and film maker...but unfortunately Miss May was keen to move on!

I have included a couple of photos to entice you... OR make the choice not to scroll down and be surprised and inspired when you visit yourself!

WHERE: SAM, Or Singapore Art Museum is located at 71 Bras Basah road - and just around the corner on Queens street (#8 Queens Street to be exact) you will find 8Q!  There are loads of buses and the Bras Basah station is of course very nearby, there is also parking along Queens Street.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely delicious I wish I had been there for that visit. Miss May looks as if she is wanting to connect with everything on offer.
