Friday 3 August 2012


I have to admit I am not so taken in the 'sporty' aspects of the Olympics.  "What else is there?" I hear you asking.... oh where should I begin?

I loved hearing that Vladimer Putin arrived in London with the expressed purpose of supporting Team Russia, most notably the Russian Judo competitors (Vladimer himself is a revered blackbelt in the sport).  Of course while in town he met with Davo Cameron and no doubt the conversation deviated a little from Judo???

I cringed when I heard that the North Korean women's soccer team walked off the field before their very first game after members of the team noticed that the South Korean flag had mistakenly been displayed next to their names on the big screen.  OUCH!

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and groaned when I heard US Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney question London's readiness... and on the eve of the games no less!   Just funny!!!

I smiled listening to a BBC reporter a couple of days ago describing London 2012 as the "Women's Olympics"!  For the first time women are competing in every sport, and every country at the games as sent at least one female competitor (Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei for the first time).  Moreover the interest in female sports is apparently up on previous years and crowds at some of the female team events are at record levels.  My husband reckons the women's soccer is without doubt more international and probably more exiting to watch that the guys!

I totally LOVED the getup worn by female archery competitors!  Especially the hats and especially the South Korean team... too cute!

Miss May is utterly uninterested, even more so than I...   but she did like the BLING of her very own gold medal!

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