Thursday 28 February 2013

Hinamatsuri, Japanese Doll Festival

When I was 18 and living in Japan I spent 3 months living with a family who had 4 daughters.  Quite unusual in a county where the average fertility rate is estimated at 1.39 children per family.  I guess if you have 4 daughters the Hinamatsuri (Japanese Doll Festival) is going to be a big deal.  I so wish I had my all my photos here in Singapore so I could share the memory but alas you'll have to imagine it....
Picture one heavy set Australian teenager (in my defence ALL rotary exchange students put on weight while they are away) helping her petite and very beautiful 6 year old host sister put together a multi-tiered display of ornate (and breakable) dolls.  It was quite an amazing display and I spent much time examining it for the week or so that it was in the living room of the family home.  

The Hinamatsuri is a time to ask for good heath and well being for girls.  In most families who have girls there will be some kind of display and around the display girls will offer dedications of peach blossoms, rice cakes and such.   

The Festival falls on the 3rd March every year so Miss May and I might tried our hand at making our own dolls today....

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