Tuesday 5 February 2013

Valentines Day

The 14th February is of course Valentines Day.  I'm informed it is one of the most celebrated holidays world wide, and second only to New Years day.  Personally I feel it is little wonder a holiday which draws on symbols like cupids and love hearts is going to catch on!  

Valentines day is actually a Christian tradition in honour of the Christian Saint Valentinus, and is a key date on the Anglican Church's calendar, but in today's world it is all about chocolates, love letters and love hearts... right?

You might have sensed a little cynicism in my words, but actually since becoming a mum my ill feeling for valentines days has subsided and the new, mellow me has come to think of it is a great excuse to inject a little more love into the world!  Miss May and I recently joined a weekly playgroup called Mucky Pups here in Singapore and the teacher ran a great session with the kids this week which included some songs adapted for the occasion and some neat little art projects.  We just loved getting all "pink-paint and glittered up"... as soon as we returned home we took it a step further and made a sweet garland to hang in the house.

We'll be on a little vacation on Valentines day with much loved friends who will all be receiving valentines cards from Miss May... or perhaps a Love Bug... who knows.... stay tuned!

PS here are a couple of nice little resources I've found online...

Very sweet LOVE BUG printables from Dandee ...

Graffiti Art... from Modern Parents Messy Kids

... and here you'll find the traditional story of Saint Valentinus set out for kids... it's a little ... sad!  So we'll skip it this year in favour of this little story which was adapted from Indian folk tale, The Prince's Valentine.  It just goes to show there can be more to valentines day than Hallmark, Hershey's and hearts!

Love 'you'se' all (sorry I had a little Oz moment... )

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