Monday 30 July 2012

Gardens By the Bay

I visited Singapore's newest and much talked about Garden's by the Bay this week, on a Sunday, with child and husband, sporting a sore head after a few beverages the night before.... by rights it should have been a tough day at the office but actually we had a BALL!

Garden's By The Bay has reportedly cost the Singapore people a billion dollars to build.  It is billed as a post modern engineering feat with 50m Supertrees and two huge climate controlled glass domes housing an English rose garden, a multi-story tropical waterfall, interactive educational displays and EVERYTHING in between.  

I was reading that the Prime Minister announced the project back in 2005 during the National Day festivities of that year - exactly 7 years ago.  Can you imagine... "here on this re-claimed land, we will build 5 story steel trees and control the climate inside glass domes as big as an AFL footy fields..." perhaps a different sporting analogy was used??

An international competition to locate and appoint Master Designers was held the following year and two firms Grant Associates (UK) and Gustafson Porter (UK/US) were appointed.  I have some miss-givings about some of the design details.  Namely there are too many features which are not kiddie friendly.  A large number of laminate signs remind parents to keep children from climbing on various structures which look like grand opportunities for doing exactly that!   They probably could have considered the 'under ten' population a little more seriously in their design strategy!


Honestly - you gotta go all the way and pay!  If you are planning to just look around at the Super Trees and surrounding gardens it'll cost you nothing but I have three words for you... HOT HOT HOT!  Take the scooters, go early, give it a try, but I fear you will not last long!  It it not like the Botanical Gardens with grassy slops, lakes and shady lovelyness... it radiates heat!

If you bite the bullet and pay entry to the domes you will be greeted with that rare and refreshing burst of cool fresh air in one, and in the other a dry heat which reminded me instantly of South Australia where I grew up.

It'll cost you ($20 for Adults, 12 for kids >3) OR buy a seasons pass if you think you'll go often enough.


Watch this space... we have a night trip planned for this weekend... apparently there are evening light and music extravaganzas at 7:45 and 8:45 every evening....

MRT to Marina Bay or Bay Front MRT stations and follow the signs.
Taxi or Drive and Park closest to the Main Gate (recommended)
NOTE: I highly recommend parking there and not at the Marina Bay complex ... it's quite a walk if your park is far from the ECP walkbridge... trust me!

Have Fun Peeps!

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