Tuesday 24 July 2012

London Olympics... REALLY?

Is it just me or is the lead-up to the 2012 Olympic Games a little more subdued than usual?  Perhaps it's just I'm older, less excitable about such things having now accepted that I will never be an olympian myself.... until of course 'pinning' becomes an Olympic sport, then I'm a chance!  Perhaps it's that I watch very little television.  Or perhaps it's because I live in Singapore and here we don't have quite the 'armchair sports' culture, as is the case in Australia....

In any case I've decided it's high time to get on the bandwagon... here is a little article from Inculture magazine on how to engage your kids in the Olympics and help them discover more about the world in the process.

The Summer Olympics: 10 Ways Families Can Discover the World

In Miss May's "I'm TWO" world, things are still pretty simple.  We will be watching Opening Ceremony Highlights DELAYED (I believe it will kick off at 4am here in Singapore). 

I thought we might try for a relay race or two with the other condo kids... I'll keep you posted!

Ya Ssou Ya'all!

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