Sunday 1 July 2012

Shaving Cream Paint!!

The idea of painting inside gives many parents goosebumps but if you live in my part of the world it is simply too hot to paint outside while the sun is high.   Rather than have Miss May miss out altogether I have accumulated a couple of techniques to minimise the mess and ensure she gets her fair share of childhood painting opportunities.  One of these is.... SHAVING CREAM PAINT... give it a go!

Don't get me wrong it is still messy but it is just a little less terrifying than poster paint!!  Basically you just drip a teaspoon or so of paint into a cup filled with shaving foam and mix it up.   We use either crayola washable paints or childrens watercolour paint, both off which wash off (child and floor) with no problems.  

The beauty of this paint is it's sticky so it does not drip or fly across the room with sudden movement.  It is also really easy to clean up once you are done AND you will use much less paint.  

On the down side your kids will smell like a mens locker room!

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