Sunday 1 July 2012

Singapore's Fire Stations!

Visit any number of Singapore's Fire Station's of a Saturday morning and treat your kids to the sights and sounds of a real live Fire Brigade!

This is an activity we have been meaning to do for a while but one thing or another got in the way until last Saturday.  It is quite exciting for little boys in particular, but I have to say our soon to be two year old daughter was in her element too.  Overmore, all Daddy's I saw were getting a real kick out of it, and just quietly some of the firemen are... lets say 'easy on the eye'....  making it a fun family day out with something for everyone!

The Central Fire Station is on the Corner of Hill Street and Coleman Street and is probably the most obvious choice for those new to this activity.  They are very organised and several guides are on hand to give visitors a little bit of context and help them better understand the workings of the Station and the Brigade.  I noticed our Guide was working very hard to recruit for the Brigade but there were unfortunately no takers from the assortment of parents, grandparents and children in our batch.. better luck next week uncle!

I can't speak for the other stations but the central station really is a stereo typical Fire Station.  Complete with huge oversized red doors and 3 storey polls for firemen to slide quickly to their truck in the case of a fire!  It provided for some awesome family photographs and memorable moments.  Hands down, our favourite moment was watching the firemen demonstrate the time honoured art of 'poll sliding'.  Without giving too much away it seems Singapore's Firemen have developed a special sliding technique!

The kids are also able to try their hand at high pressure water guns and climb around inside the fire trucks and emergency vehicles.  I stand to be corrected but were this Australia I'm pretty sure there would be loads of supervision and clearly marked 'no-go' zones... fabulously in Singapore it was pretty much free reign for the kids to explore.... hats off to the Singapore Fire Brigade for being relaxed and welcoming!

Getting there
Take the bus - there are LOADS of buses which will drop you right outside (Hill Street) ... too many for me to name.
The City Hall MRT is within easy walking distance.  Exit on North Bridge Road and follow it north to Coleman street.  Turn Right... easy!
Parking is available in the area (there are several parking lots on Hill street)

Saturday MORNINGs only.  The Stations are open from 9am til about 11am so don't leave your run too late.

Make a day of it!
Our plan next time is to take a picnic breakfast to the Fort Canning Park and head to the station thereafter.
OR if you are done with the station and rearing for more - check out the nearby Singapore Philatelic Museum (I'll save you googling... STAMPS!).  Stamps are not my bag but I'm told it is a really great set up and kids LOVE it.  Another day another post... stay tuned!

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